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Wight Way
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Wight Way
Wight Way
Shankin Down, Isle of Wight
Wight Way
Rocken End, St. Catherine's, Isle of Wight
Wight Way
Luccombe Down, Isle of Wight
Wight Way
Passing Storm at Newtown Creek, Isle of Wight
Wight Way
Fishermans Cottage, Shankin
Wight Way
Haddon's Pits
Wight Way
Windy day at Rocken End
Wight Way
Breezy Day on Appuldurcombe Down
Wight Way
Big Sky at St. Catherine's Point
Wight Way
Wight Way
A rainy day in Cowes, Isle of Wight.
Wight Way
A early Spring day at Rocken End.
Wight Way
The Boat House at Newtown Creek, Isle of Wight
Wight Way
Watershoot Bay, Isle of Wight
Wight Way
The biggest Yacht Race in the World
Wight Way
Sunset at Steephill Cove, Isle of Wight
Wight Way
Storm Cloud at Newtown
Wight Way
Wight Way
Sunset at Knowles Farm, Isle of Wight.
Wight Way
Harry, my walking companiion
Wight Way
St. Catherine's Point
Wight Way
Walkers at St. Catherine's Point, Isle of Wight
Wight Way
Surfers at Reeth Bay
Wight Way
Laundry Lane, St. Helens, Isle of Wight, Rainbow
Wight Way
Storm at Hope Beach, Shanklin
Wight Way
St. Catherine's Pont, 2014 Summer
Wight Way
Druid Meeting at the Longstone
Wight Way
Storm at Bonchurch
Wight Way
Stormy Day at Newtown Creek
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