Merrillie: Stargazing at the night sky and the Milky Way Galaxy
Bernard Spragg: Coop's Shot Tower. Melbourne.
Ian Colley Photography: Spotted Pardalote (Pardalotus punctatus)
Rodger1943: Superb Blue Wren (M)
Rodger1943: Grey Butcherbird
Ian Colley Photography: Brown Honeyeater (Lichmera indistincta)
NZ Nature by Glenda Rees: White-faced Heron
Rodger1943: Scarlet Percher
Rodger1943: Azure Kingfisher
Bernard Spragg: Green vegetable or Shield bug.
dope pictures: Short History of Comics (dragged) 4
dope pictures: Short History of Comics (dragged) 5
dope pictures: Short History of Comicks (dragged)
ajhaysom: Striated Pardalote 2022-09-03 (7D_182A0998)
stan sutton: Australasion Harrier _MG_2323
hazza3d: Exploring the big wide world!
laz666: Pheasant Coucal
Bernard Spragg: Cortinarius sp
Merrillie: Sunrise over the sea with high cloud
flashmick: The approach to Mt.Ossa
flashmick: Climbing off track above Blackfellow Creek
Bernard Spragg: Thomas Edmonds Band Rotunda
0210sascha: Hombroich - Atelier und Wohnhaus
James_Preece: Graceful Honeyeater - Quarantine Bay, Cooktown
James_Preece: Graceful Honeyeater - Quarantine Bay, Cooktown
James_Preece: Bower's Shrike-thrush F
evakatharina12: Sporadic sunbeams
stan sutton: White faced Heron _MG_0567
ricardo00: Whales and dolphins at Moss Landing
Merrillie: Noisy Miner bird on fence