olyv70: La Toupie
places_lost: Amethyst panda
Chris Buhr: Freezing River
karindebruin: A dream come true!
Ellen van den Doel: Finally winter in Holland
Sakak_Flickr: Kyoto_106
Sakak_Flickr: Kyoto_107
tobchasinglight: Savernake Autumn
BSOutdoorImages: 'BOLARS!'
Cerratín: Shanghai oscuro.
androsoff: DSCF1394
rootswalker: Road to Enlightenment
Naska Photographie: Wood Tiger
FotoGrazio: Green Energy
black_eyes: miku_shinkai-028-Edit_final
Gary Fairhead: There Goes Another One
NicoleW0000: Loon Love
Gary Norman Photo: Early Autumn in red
Simon Greig Photo: Dive! Dive! Dive!
Tim RT: New York
f.d. walker: Amsterdam, Netherlands
albert dros: Dark Romance
icemanphotos: Spring and Summer
Blai Figueras: Sicut temporibus antiquis
Jonathan Fletcher Photography: Lichfield Cathedral, Staffordshire, March 2017
alancowper: Kingsbarns