White Wolf Studio:
A little alter ego to accompany a Fairy Tale class I'm taking. Watercolor on Fabriano 90# cold press cut out. #paperdoll #fairytales #watercolor
White Wolf Studio:
Non-Dominant hand drawing.
White Wolf Studio:
Dominant hand.
White Wolf Studio:
Hello Vassilissa
White Wolf Studio:
White Wolf Studio:
Vassilissa as frog.
White Wolf Studio:
And of course they live happily ever after ........ #fairytales #sketching #thumbnailsketches on to painting.
White Wolf Studio:
Ivan follows the magic ball to find his Vassilissa. #fairytales #sketching #thumbnailsketches
White Wolf Studio:
The Frog Princess marries Ivan to his great heartache. #fairytales #sketching #thumbnailsketches
White Wolf Studio:
Ready to paint. #sketching #fairytales #watercolor
White Wolf Studio:
White Wolf Studio:
White Wolf Studio:
White Wolf Studio:
White Wolf Studio:
Exploring Sea Life as inspiration for imaginary flowers. #sketching #fairytales
White Wolf Studio:
Graphite on tracing paper and gathering inspiration from nature for inspiration to create my own imaginative plant life. #sketching
White Wolf Studio:
White Wolf Studio:
Graphite on tracing paper.
White Wolf Studio:
100 flowers. #sketching
White Wolf Studio:
And my favorite. #sketching
White Wolf Studio:
Animal characters from the story. #sketching
White Wolf Studio:
Watercolor on Yupo paper.
White Wolf Studio:
Watercolor on Yupo paper.
White Wolf Studio:
Watercolor on Yupo paper.
White Wolf Studio:
Watercolor on Yupo paper.
White Wolf Studio:
Watercolor on Yupo paper.
White Wolf Studio:
Adding Micron ink.
White Wolf Studio:
Blondine and Beau Minon at the castle gate.
White Wolf Studio:
White hind resting on a bed of fragrant grasses.
White Wolf Studio:
A bit of detail with a Micron pen and tried ink with a pointed pen and that just puddled like paint does.