White Wolf Studio: More #applique and #quilted #scottie designs. #needlecase I've been wanting to make for myself.
White Wolf Studio: It usually happens in January. I get the bug to sew and follow patterns of other designers, such as Amanda Weatherill from @becraftsy I love the zen of needle and thread. And it gives me space to plan my next projects for the coming year. What I want to
White Wolf Studio: #pencildrawing
White Wolf Studio: More fun pencil and quotes. #pencildrawing #sketchbook #equineart #horseart
White Wolf Studio: Discovering tack I'm not familiar with. #equineart #horseart #pencildrawing #graphite #sketchbook
White Wolf Studio: My most liked nine all came from #inktober thanks to all who take a look and like. #bestnineofinstagram #bestnine2015
White Wolf Studio: Ponies and butterflies make me smile. #horseart #equineart #pencildrawing #sketchbook
White Wolf Studio: Tha cat's out of the Christmas bag so I can share my last of 2015 pet portrait, Sabrina. #gouache #petportrait #catart
White Wolf Studio: A little equine humor. Inspired by the Wells Fargo commercial. #equineart #horseart #pencildrawing #pencil
White Wolf Studio: Merry Christmas!! #equineart #horseart #penandink #inkwash
White Wolf Studio: Ink wash technique. #horseart #equineart #penandink
White Wolf Studio: It's that time of year again. Brittle and toffee from White Woof Confections, a division of White a Wolf Studio. 😊 #spencerian
White Wolf Studio: Another baby. I love crooked blazes. #pencildrawing #graphite #horseart #equineart
White Wolf Studio: Babies of all species are adorable. #sketchbook #pencildrawing #graphite #horseart #equineart
White Wolf Studio: Learning to draw the gaits of one of my favorite animals. #sketchbook #graphite #pencildrawing #equineart #horses
White Wolf Studio: A sleeping owl in our tree.
White Wolf Studio: A winter string of marigolds. #Gouache
White Wolf Studio: #Gouache on #Arches hot press watercolor paper. #nevada #homemeansnevada My holiday season officially kicks off.
White Wolf Studio: Getting a start. #wip #gouache #nevada #homemeansnevada
White Wolf Studio: It's time again for #nevada Mountain Bluebirds to decorate their trees. #homemeansnevada
White Wolf Studio: A bit of trompe l'oeil from a Botanical Sketchbook spread. #trompeloeil #gouache #prismacolor
White Wolf Studio: Oh, got it 😩 #nevada #homemeansnevada
White Wolf Studio: And...31 It's been a journey to draw everyday and come up with ideas everyday. What I learned 1) using the "ink" words as a theme reigned in my thoughts, 2) it's possible to carve out time everyday to draw something, 3) it was fun to add a story to the th
White Wolf Studio: 30 #inktober & #inktober2015 "ink" of course. #fabercastell brush #pittpens in #moleskine #sketchbook
White Wolf Studio: 29 #inktober and #inktober2015 sprinting to the finish line. #fabercastell brush #pittpens in #moleskine #sketchbook
White Wolf Studio: 28 #inktober & #inktober2015 sliding into Halloween. #fabercastell brush #pittpens in #moleskine #sketchbook
White Wolf Studio: I may just do #bluepencil #sketch November. The daily idea is becoming habitual.
White Wolf Studio: 27 #inktober & #inktober2015 a bit deep as I sprint to the end. #fabercastell brush #pittpens in #moleskine #sketchbook