WhiteBalanceImages: Spring. New growth inside and outside.
WhiteBalanceImages: Snack time
WhiteBalanceImages: My snow-loving forest mushrooms 🍄☃️
WhiteBalanceImages: "Lightning Tree" This insanely tall, solitary tree towered above all the others. A lightning strike spiraled a scar all the way down.
WhiteBalanceImages: Uncle Drew on a photo shoot with tha ballers #getbuckets 🏀
WhiteBalanceImages: Mt. Hood, with lenticular cloud cap on the summit.
WhiteBalanceImages: Crown Point. Photo shoot with @kristicw. A good day.
WhiteBalanceImages: Hidden waters
WhiteBalanceImages: Just around the curve
WhiteBalanceImages: Sea of humanity #panorama
WhiteBalanceImages: Reflections / some marvelous buildings downtown.
WhiteBalanceImages: Late afternoon stroll, Madison. Next day was cold & wet.
WhiteBalanceImages: Saw this in a Wisconsin coffee shop, and thought immediately of @chaztoo. May your world be big!
WhiteBalanceImages: Sunflower, Sauvie Island, Oregon
WhiteBalanceImages: Lava Canyon outcropping. Rediscovering my DSLR Lightroom > Instagram workflow. LR mobile has improved a lot. Love the local adjustments feature - finally!
WhiteBalanceImages: Mt. Hood, from Powell Butte back in March. Can you find the biker? One of my fave local walking/riding spots.
WhiteBalanceImages: Massive walls, incredible textures. Look at that tree that fell!
WhiteBalanceImages: Sometimes, I can't believe I live in a place like Oregon. I make sure the kids know it's special, and to be thankful.
WhiteBalanceImages: Connor and his grandad discussing the recent homeless crisis in PDX & Gresham. Love how they've built a real relationship that can talk about hard, complex issues.
WhiteBalanceImages: Sunset walk at Powell Butte. Beautiful evening.
WhiteBalanceImages: Some of the speakers couldn't make it, so I volunteered to share how I've used @codepen as a "code sketchbook" for experiments and within design systems. Always be ready to speak when the opportunity arises!
WhiteBalanceImages: @prophetsofrage at #RNCinCLE Protesting with walls of Marshall amps! 🎸
WhiteBalanceImages: Get outside! Says the small voice in my head.
WhiteBalanceImages: First blueberries from our backyard! I still can't get over how berries grow like crazy in Oregon.
WhiteBalanceImages: Wheat field on a perfectly sunny day. Used my sunglasses as a polarizer. Know of a good one for phones?
WhiteBalanceImages: At #CMPDX - the theme of "Broken". What's the last thing you broke?
WhiteBalanceImages: And just like that, the baby birds have flown the nest. So fast!
WhiteBalanceImages: Are you my mother?
WhiteBalanceImages: Outdoorsman quilt sections at a quilting store, high up in the mountains.