Gary Faulkner's wildlife photography: Short-eared Owl - Asio flammeus
grahamnichols47: Blackcap - Female
minvallaa: Short-eared Owl
marsh and moor: Stoat-3944
marsh and moor: Stoat-3952
Tim Melling: Spectacled Duck
trawson58: Barn Owl
Chris Bainbridge1: Dereham Windmill
Tim Melling: White-rumped Sandpiper
hunt.keith27: Greenfinch (J) - (Carduelis chloris) Two clicks for more detail
terrylaws526: Firecrest.
jefflee23: Sunset
paulcoltman: Short-eared owl (Asio flammeus) UB2A0152
Rezamink: Pyramidal Orchid (Anacamptis pyramidalis)
jenny*jones: Bullfinch (m)
....Daniel....: Golondrina tijerita.
GadgetGaz_Photo: bittern_NZ9_5218
GadgetGaz_Photo: bittern_NZ9_5211
GadgetGaz_Photo: bittern_NZ9_5209
Chris Bainbridge1: Concentration
hunt.keith27: Coal Tit - (Periparus ater) 2 clicks for best view
dight65: Winter plumage Caspian tern
jaytee27: Common Grass Yellow - Eurema hecabe
Tim Melling: Tufted Tit-tyrant
Gary Faulkner's wildlife photography: Malagasy Paradise Flycatcher - Terpsiphone mutata
redmanian: Wigeon
Tim Melling: Eye contact with a Short-eared Owl
Chris Bainbridge1: Fields of Gold