White Lebed: M Linden bear
White Lebed: M Linden personal art show at the UWA
White Lebed: Chantal Harvey and White Lebed
White Lebed: re-construction of Lawrence building in UWA in progress
White Lebed: Nyx Breen is rebuilding the Lawerence gallery
White Lebed: Homage for the Breathing Tree B
White Lebed: Snapshot_161
White Lebed: transsparkly butterfly
White Lebed: Ball of Fluff by Glyph Graves
White Lebed: the Memories
White Lebed: The Egg by Griffin McAlpine (aka Glyph Graves)
White Lebed: after class discussion
White Lebed: Wizard Gynoid presentation
White Lebed: Snapshot_152
White Lebed: Hyperdodecahedron Shell
White Lebed: Wizard Gynoid and Kazuhiro Aridian inside of Hyperdodecahedron Shell
White Lebed: Animated primary shapes
White Lebed: Math view
White Lebed: Wizard Gynoid
White Lebed: E8 Ball animated by Wizard Gynoid
White Lebed: Wizard Gynoid preparing for her Burniversity presentation
White Lebed: Wizard Gynoid
White Lebed: Wizard Gynoid and her Klein Bottle
White Lebed: Life Circle by Kicca Igaly
White Lebed: Metal Drummer by Nessuno Myoo_001
White Lebed: The Spirit Of Hikikomori by Nessuno Myoo_001
White Lebed: The Great Ancient by Nessuno Myoo_001
White Lebed: In The Pending Of The Contact by Nessuno Myoo
White Lebed: Kicca and Nessuno asnwering questions after theBurniversity lecture