White☨ANGEL: "Conversation in green between a Pumpkin and a Watermellon". Ph. by #WhiteANGEL
White☨ANGEL: The conversation II. Macro ph. by #WhiteANGEL
White☨ANGEL: "Pumpkins Quartet" Some autumnal crop from my backyard. Macro still life by #WhiteANGEL
White☨ANGEL: "Quadretto di Famiglia" Still life in oscurità e macro ph. by #WhiteANGEL #LimitEdition 12
White☨ANGEL: "Family Quintet". Still Life in darkness & macro Ph. by #WhiteANGEL
White☨ANGEL: Onion flowers pom-pom (umbel inflorecence). Micro Macro ph. by #WhiteANGEL
White☨ANGEL: Micro onion flowers "bouquet". B&W macro ph. by #WhiteANGEL
White☨ANGEL: "The perfection of shapes in Nature". Still Life at candlelight with natural spherical stones. B/W rev. ~ B&W SHOCK ~ Macro ph. by #WhiteANGEL
White☨ANGEL: Correspondances Flora Fauna. Mini diptych macro ph. by #WhiteANGEL
White☨ANGEL: SEMPERVIVUM II (always alive). Macro ph. by #WhiteANGEL
White☨ANGEL: SEMPERVIVUM III (always alive). Macro ph. by #WhiteANGEL
White☨ANGEL: SEMPERVIVUM I (always alive). Macro ph. by #WhiteANGEL
White☨ANGEL: WHAT'S IT? And how is called this wild plant with modular berries infructescence in all the tones of bright green? Macro ph.by #WhiteANGEL
White☨ANGEL: Still life study with soft macro at candle's light, façon painters of antiquity (Natura morta alla maniera dei pittori dell'antichità). Still life & Photo by #WhiteANGEL on Saint Martin Day :-)
White☨ANGEL: Soft macro Still Life at Candlelight in darkness. Light Painting Still Life & Ph. by #WhiteANGEL
White☨ANGEL: Natural Still Life with some Autumn crop from the woods of my neighborhood. Still Life & Macro by #WhiteANGEL
White☨ANGEL: "The Autumn Harvest" Soft/lowtone Macro Still Life at dim candlelight in the style of the Painters of Antiquity. Experimental work by #WhiteANGEL
White☨ANGEL: The Autumn Harvest II. Low-tone Macro Still Life illuminated just by candles in total darkness . Still life & ph. by #WhiteANGEL
White☨ANGEL: Still Life at candlelight with bonsai apples, medlar, piracanta. Macro Ph. by #WhiteANGEL
White☨ANGEL: Mini Still Life II at candlelight with bonsai apples, medlar, piracanta. Macro Ph. by #WhiteANGEL
White☨ANGEL: Natural spherical mineral iron stones. Still Life macro at candleslight. Ph. by #WhiteANGEL
White☨ANGEL: Still LIFE with natural spherical rusty concretions at candleslight. Macro ph. by #WhiteANGEL
White☨ANGEL: Indoor orchids plant strangerly in blossom at the end of Nov. (Early or late blooming?) Ph. by #WhiteANGEL
White☨ANGEL: "Extraordinary early blossom for my orchids" Macro Ph. in natural light by #WhiteANGEL
White☨ANGEL: Alive Still Life of my Orchids plant that just blossomed again. Ph. by #WhiteANGEL
White☨ANGEL: PUNKY up-dated! Close-up ph. by #WhiteANGEL
White☨ANGEL: Diptych Lidl combing her plumes. Macro ph. by #WhiteANGEL #LimitEdition (only 6 groups!)
White☨ANGEL: Lidl & Punky: the first meeting. Close-up ph. by #WhiteANGEL
White☨ANGEL: The mutual empathic gaze (Lidl vs Punky). Macro ph. by #WhiteANGEL #LimitEdition 12
White☨ANGEL: The KISS with closed eyes! Macro ph. by #WhiteANGEL #LimitEdition 6