strobist: DSCF5012.JPG
有喵的生活: 暖暖的陽光
fisshaasan: IMG_4406.JPG
Dan Idoine: ein zwei tausand, polizei taun
Catfordst32: story of cats
Dan Idoine: riot police 2
Dan Idoine: Keeping fingers and legs crossed
Alex Daltas: Azalai Hotel, Ouagadougou
jwlphotography: You are drawing CRAZY
有喵的生活: 執著的拍照女生
Char-la-la: Serpentess
Dan Idoine: Spot the bird
GraemeNicol: year of the dragon
daitoZen: Read!
xotcho: Spring
Toyokazu: camouflage
Dan Idoine: Walking in the sunset 1
Dan Idoine: on display
TommyOshima: vertex
KWG73: Frisbee
KWG73: The Death of Steve
Ming - chun ( very busy ): 電影風格檔 DSC_0930
Daniel f. Liu: Pre Wedding Formals | Grace + Li