where_is_laura: Three go mad in Seattle
where_is_laura: Dicks Burgers
where_is_laura: Seattle Space Needle
where_is_laura: View of Lake Union
where_is_laura: Check out the score
where_is_laura: Seattle Sonics
where_is_laura: At the B-Ball game
where_is_laura: Life long Sonics Supporter honest
where_is_laura: Sunset over the Amazon River
where_is_laura: Glad to be out of the jugle
where_is_laura: transport
where_is_laura: Cobra in water not at safe distance. He was coming to kill me.
where_is_laura: Cobra in water at safe distance
where_is_laura: Beach on the river bank
where_is_laura: Crocodile Dundee
where_is_laura: Little snake (probably about to be thrown at me)
where_is_laura: Rainforest 2
where_is_laura: Our camp built by our fair hands
where_is_laura: Paul in our camp
where_is_laura: The jungle at night
where_is_laura: Elmer and Lena (I made those plates)
where_is_laura: Paul making spoons from Bamboo
where_is_laura: Roast chicken for dinner
where_is_laura: IMG_0915
where_is_laura: Preparing the dinner
where_is_laura: The mighty jungle
where_is_laura: Village on the river banks
where_is_laura: Teletubbies in Amazonia
where_is_laura: Road to nowhere