Wheathering Mode: stretched.
Wheathering Mode: chinstrap.
Wheathering Mode: facial hair.
Wheathering Mode: old. snow.
Wheathering Mode: duck lips.
Wheathering Mode: Rejoining SL - Help?
Wheathering Mode: The beach is that way.
Wheathering Mode: Ready for a change.
Wheathering Mode: This girl is my everything.
Wheathering Mode: Kelsey; Seriously one of the coolest people i've ever met.
Wheathering Mode: Proof that my gauges aren't that big.
Wheathering Mode: Alex! I look like fucking edward scissor hands in this haha.
Wheathering Mode: babygirl, i'm a blur.
Wheathering Mode: Hannahs face is too cute.
Wheathering Mode: Babygirl, I'd walk a thousand miles.
Wheathering Mode: Hannah; My everything.
Wheathering Mode: Enough said
Wheathering Mode: This is still how I spend my weekends. Haha.
Wheathering Mode: Brandon and his new camera.