whateyesee13: camry at an angle
whateyesee13: Abercorn at an angle
whateyesee13: angled
whateyesee13: beach in motion
whateyesee13: cast your nets
whateyesee13: the couple
whateyesee13: on the way home...
whateyesee13: ski blades are ready
whateyesee13: ribs in the crockpot
whateyesee13: her jewelry
whateyesee13: I've got sunshine, on a cloudy day
whateyesee13: red hot poker 2
whateyesee13: growing up
whateyesee13: spring on campus
whateyesee13: coral and ocean
whateyesee13: Da Bears
whateyesee13: if only New York wasn't so far away
whateyesee13: Happy Boy!
whateyesee13: reaching for the sky
whateyesee13: Where have I even stood but the shore along Your ocean?