Johan J.Ingles-Le Nobel: Harrison's Photo
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: SDO's Ultra-high Definition View of 2012 Venus Transit -- Path Sequence
Julia Trotti: paper trees
Vaidas M: Friday Night at the Abbey
FrancoisCad: 中トロ, good Tuna Sashimi
falko.sautermeister: Moonlight shadow
Nicolas Blain: My hat please ! (--> Explored on 11th, November)
Remco Rodenburg: Shower of Light
Bsandtana: Splendor in the Grass
Spirit photos: Colibri Madère
L Kaasa: Busy Bee
Vaidas M: The Mysterious Flare
preecelands: my best mate binky
Paldas Photography: Tailed Jay Butterfly Life Cycle In My Butterfly Garden
hakeim ayob: breakfast
rio en medio - Jose On/Off: Mariposa - Papilio machaon
ABERLIN2009: 6Z2K8274
ABERLIN2009: 蜂鳥鷹蛾 1-6Z2K2387
Lace1952: NETTARE
Aaron Gee: Kingfisher
KraKote est KoKasse.: Brooklyn bridge
Jón Óskar.: Melaberg
Felix Schmidt Photography: Dandelion seeds - Make a wish! [Explored #18]
Ske': in Love
Dan Wiklund: Burma: Amarapura dreams
Sverrir Thorolfsson: Grímsvötn volcanic ash cloud.
Jim Petranka: Bold Jumping Spider
Pixel_13: Pourtant si fragile
Vaidas M: The Spin #2