wfxue: 20200412_F0001: Ceiling vertical panorama of Église Saint-Paul-Saint-Louis
wfxue: 20181121_F0001: Ceiling dome vertical panorama in the Cathedral of the Divine Wisdom
wfxue: 20180114_F0001: The eye of the dome
wfxue: 20150526_F0001: Old Courthouse tower panorama
wfxue: 20140211_F0001: From the north to the south rose windows of Notre Dame de Paris
wfxue: 20120831_F0001: Is it the London Eye or is it the starship Enterprise
wfxue: 20120423_F0001: New King's Cross ceiling vertical panorama
wfxue: 20110904_F0001_6000: Vertical panorama of Lund Cathedral
wfxue: 20110715_F0001_4480_20110626: Vertical panorama of a park road at sunset
wfxue: 20110606_F0001_4170_20110530: The British Museum Great Court vertical panorama
wfxue: 20110515_F0001_7300_20110511
wfxue: 20110514_F0001_6100_20110511
wfxue: 20110503_F0001_5200_20110220
wfxue: 20110423_F0001_4900_20110212