The Searcher: Ridicule
gruntzooki: Condoleeza Rice Dropbox poster, Protonet stall, Republica, Berlin, Germany
gruntzooki: Mark Zuckerberg poster, Protonet stall, Republica, Berlin, Germany
welshi23: IMG_7080
Titolian: Go!Car
gruntzooki: Randall Munroe's inscription on What If?, my PO Box, Barbican, London, UK
gruntzooki: When spammy bullshit pop-ups attack
Thomas Hawk: Better Days
rjw1: the inside of a traffic light pedestrian control 17 February, 09.28
Beep.: Let’s talk for a second about how bad that roll was.
Adolfo Arranz: Reading news II. #urbansketcher #lifesketch #drawing
Misterzumbi: Citroen2CVCharleston (1)
roboppy: Real-time diagram of one of the women's restrooms at Taipei Main Station. THE FUTURE IS NOW.
Hengki Koentjoro: In The Mist
gruntzooki: Caution Plain Clothes Officers sign, Covent Garden, London, UK
gruntzooki: Fuck Off Shoreditch Wankers graffiti, Ebor Street, Shoreditch, London, UK
brucesflickr: Brand control
Kulu40: _DSC5420a
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Nighttime View of California’s Rim Fire