Wendell Smith: misty buzzards
Wendell Smith: catching the rays
Wendell Smith: P1070764
Wendell Smith: Jupiter sky
Wendell Smith: P1090350
Wendell Smith: P1090223
Wendell Smith: P1090206
Wendell Smith: P1090213
Wendell Smith: clouds at sunset
Wendell Smith: Solomon's seal
Wendell Smith: fiddle headed fern
Wendell Smith: Garlic Mustard Flowers
Wendell Smith: Mayapple Flowering
Wendell Smith: Poison hemlock flowers
Wendell Smith: false phlox flowers
Wendell Smith: Poison hemlock stem
Wendell Smith: Poison hemlock flowers
Wendell Smith: Poison hemlock flowers
Wendell Smith: the back road
Wendell Smith: suspicious feline
Wendell Smith: peeking out of the foxhole
Wendell Smith: a fox in the ruins
Wendell Smith: alert
Wendell Smith: safe in a pile of brush
Wendell Smith: hail stone
Wendell Smith: clearcut
Wendell Smith: Norway Maple Blossom
Wendell Smith: decaying shelf fungi
Wendell Smith: purple fuzzy mushroom
Wendell Smith: violet fuzzy mushrooms