Dennis 'Mace': Magpie.
eric robb niven: Red Squirrel
Nikki D-F: Comfrey
DODO 1959: hoopoe
DODO 1959: glossy ibis
DODO 1959: chough
grampajeff1: Songthrush
Nikki D-F: Winter Walking - Jazz & Caban Coch Dam
Nikki D-F: Winter Walking - Full Flow
Nikki D-F: Walking to the Severn Source - nearing the birth of Britain’s longest river.
Nikki D-F: Walking to the Severn Source - This is It!
Jim_Higham: Curlew, Elmley NNR, Kent
grampajeff1: Redwing
grampajeff1: Redshank incoming (Tringa totanus)
DODO 1959: Spoilt for choice.
normanwest4tography: Red Kite - Milvus milvus
grampajeff1: Grub up
Mrs.Geordiepix: Juvenile Cuckoo & Meadow Pipit
Wayne A J.: Sand Martin
Nikki D-F: British Soldier Lichen!
eric robb niven: Red Squirrel
DODO 1959: spoonbill
DODO 1959: kingfisher
Jim_Higham: Highly cropped flock of flying Teal, Brief afternoon visit to the hide at Stodmarsh NNR
pauljeffery59: 9L1A6074x
Jo Evans - off and on for a while: September sunset over Three Cliffs Bay
Jo Evans - off and on for a while: Sunburst over Stack Rocks
Jo Evans - off and on for a while: Storm Callum at Bracelet Bay