madoka07: Musashi like a small box 2
madoka07: Musashi like a small box
madoka07: 2011. Original "Drop"
madoka07: Crying face
madoka07: Drawing
madoka07: Drawing
conwest_john: The Wages of Restraint
HollyBerry255: African White Lions (Fintan & Lemon)
Tambako the Jaguar: Two friendly cows
Katherine Ridgley: Indo-Malayan Butterflies (I)
Jay:Dee: Garrrrlllrrrlllrrrgle!
pwilliamson222: Siberian tiger
giltay: The abyss
Chris Laforêt: Yawning Tiger
HollyBerry255: Arctic Fox (Cody)
looseygong: mr cuddles
Blaize61: Toronto Zoo
Blaize61: Toronto Zoo
Belteshazzar (AKA Harimau Kayu): Indah ♀ - Sumatran Tiger
HollyBerry255: Arctic Wolf
HollyBerry255: North American River Otter
HollyBerry255: Amur Tiger
HollyBerry255: Arctic Wolf
Meagan Rochelle Ranes: Minolta Maxxum 7000i