黃子欽: 時空結界裡的渣渣、破爛與淬煉——黃子欽×陳淑強對談台味設計【後記】
黃子欽: 1995台北空中破裂節——吳中煒手繪破裂節海報
H的中分: 55880004
Paul-M-Wright: Sniffin' Glue punk rock fanzine 1977
✞bens▲n: lost way
BERT DESIGN: Street Photography in Kyoto
anarchichi: R0023273
anarchichi: R0023235
anarchichi: R0023126
H的中分: 49560035
( )Castle in the air: 看 時間 看
dou_ble_you: Resistance to Communication Is Crucial
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Mothers Pink Floyd Poster
李忠衛 leechungwei19780528@gmail.com: 20140422 落實民主 停建核四 林義雄禁食行動 IMG_0028
李忠衛 leechungwei19780528@gmail.com: 20140422 落實民主 停建核四 林義雄禁食行動 IMG_0017
James Holland: calligraphy by Li Yuan-Chia
Leo Reynolds: Double-sided black and white magnetic relief
Leo Reynolds: Double-sided black and white magnetic relief
tintincai: upload
shih chun-yao: F1070024