webbyclare: Day 2 - J has been getting stuck into the front garden this weekend. Still lots to do, but it's a massive improvement already! #another100happydays
webbyclare: Day 5 - Just went to my first No Lights No Lycra with playlist programmed by my lovely friend Paulina. So much fun. Couldn't wipe the smile off my face! #another100happydays
webbyclare: Day 7 - Nature + exercise = happiness #another100happydays
webbyclare: Day 9 - One of the benefits of #another100happydays is really noticing the things that improve my mood/mental health. Moving my body outside is definitely one of them.
webbyclare: Day 11 - Spending time with great groups of women leaders is one of the best parts of my job #another100happydays #sheleads
webbyclare: Day 12 - Episode 2 of the Women Talk Work podcast recorded! This one was with the lovely @54viv from @solar_bare #another100happydays #womentalkwork
webbyclare: Day 18 - I woke up this morning feeling so grateful that this is what I get to do for work. How lucky am I to have the opportunity to help amazing women learn about and reflect on their leadership development?! #another100happydays #sheleads @in_the_tarat
webbyclare: Day 20 - A not-so-great picture but a stroll around the 'hood and a chat to @echapmansearle was a good way to rid me of my cranky pants and leave me feeling grateful and inspired. #another100happydays
webbyclare: Day 21 - Fresh, home grown basil ready to go on our pizza. This is especially noteworthy given what average gardeners we are! #another100happydays
webbyclare: Day 27 - So cool to see Women Talk Work in my podcast app today! Details at womentalkwork.com #another100happydays #womentalkwork
webbyclare: Day 29 - Beautiful early evening walk after the rain. Clouds/sky looked amazing. #another100happydays
webbyclare: Day 30 - I'm surprised at how often I forget and then relearn the lesson about the positive benefits of moving my body outdoors #another100happydays
webbyclare: Day 31 - At the YWCA Canberra AGM. Proud to be a member of such a wonderful organisation that has been so important for me personally and professionally. #another100happydays
webbyclare: Day 32 - Walking and talking with @echapmansearle makes me healthier and happier #another100happydays
webbyclare: Day 33 - I forgot to take photos of a couple of happy moments today, but I did listen to this podcast which was excellent #another100happydays
webbyclare: Day 37 - Out for a stroll on a beautiful spring morning #another100happydays
webbyclare: Day 42 - Pizza and movie night #another100happydays
webbyclare: Day 43 - New fairy lights for the deck #another100happydays
webbyclare: Day 44 - Tough week saw me fall off the #another100happydays wagon, but it's time to hop back on. Today's happy moment was getting the office kitchen recycling station up and running! #recycling #sustainability
webbyclare: Day 50 - I failed to take a photo of any specific 'happy' happenings today, but listening to Mia Freedman's No Filter interview with Carrie Bickmore on the bus to work today was a pretty good start to the day. #another100happydays
webbyclare: Day 51 - Instead of getting swept up in the morning rush, consciously trying to take time to look up at the sky. Often it's good for me to notice and appreciate what's around me and give a little less attention to the chatter in my head. #another100happyd
webbyclare: Day 58 - Cert IV in Training & Assessment done. Finally. #another100happydays
webbyclare: Day 60 - Having fun and getting shit done in conversation with the delightful @sarahmoran. Coming soon to the #womentalkwork podcast! #another100happydays
webbyclare: Day 65 - Listening to interesting women talk about their experiences of 'managing diversity' @ywcacanberra #another100happydays #sheleads
webbyclare: Day 67: Team Christmas celebrations #another100happydays Repost from @zoyapatel
webbyclare: Day 68 - Feeling the Canberra love! #another100happydays
webbyclare: Day 71 - The moment when you remember you have left over Noodle House laksa in the fridge! #another100happydays
webbyclare: Day 76 - Post-parkrun coffee with Dad & Issy #another100happydays
webbyclare: Day 78 - Started the day with a nice long meandering walk along the river #another100happydays
webbyclare: Day 80 - This is Joyce and penguins Sophie (the boy) and Billy (the girl). Joyce is a volunteer at the Penguin Centre (which is basically a penguin hospital) and told us so much about the sad decline of the local colony on Granite Island. So grateful to h