webbyclare: Russell Falls
webbyclare: We have the best chats when bushwalking.... today's conversation covered scats, bushfire, tree-ring dating, death and reincarnation...
webbyclare: Day 65 - Lovely flowers from my graduating She Leads Diploma class. And with the TV still banished from the house I have a new spot to display them. #100happydays
webbyclare: Day 64 - As a result of some recent spectacular threenager behaviour, Daddy came good on his threat and has removed the TV from the house! Instead we spent the evening listening to music and I am loving being a daggy mum and subjecting Ella to songs like
webbyclare: Day 63 - Smiles before the meltdown #100happydays
webbyclare: Day 62 - New book! I ❤️ public libraries :-) #100happydays
webbyclare: Day 57: A lovely afternoon spent listening to Annabel Crabb & Leigh Sales with @celawler #100happydays
webbyclare: Day 53 - Feeling much happier, healthier and more productive working from home this week. Especially when I'm getting reports that the heater is (still) broken in the office! Today's working from home perks include trackies and ugg boots, and a quick lunc
webbyclare: Day 52 - Having lunch on a sunny spot on the deck with this girl. One of the perks of working from home this week. #100happydays
webbyclare: Day 48 - I got to sample one of @celawler's amazing chocolate cookies. #100happydays
webbyclare: Day 40 - Not nearly enough sleep, but a quick walk to stare at the ocean for a few minutes provided a much needed energy boost. #100happydays
webbyclare: Day 39 - I think I did pretty well scoring this family for my in-laws :-) Happy birthday @beejconroy! #100happydays
webbyclare: Day 37 - Garner. #100happydays
webbyclare: Day 36 - Event producing involves a lot of tedious logistical work, but on show day it all feels totally worthwhile. What a privilege to be part of a positive, affecting event. And I'm so proud of @celawler for pulling it all together with such profession
webbyclare: Day 32 - Final class of the September 2015 @sheleadscbr intake. I've learned so much from these lovely women and can't believe how quickly 10 months has gone. #100happydays
webbyclare: Fuel. Mum call-time was 4.30am this morning. With the start of a head cold. Hoping I can channel Hulk-like strength (minus the Hulk-like rage) to make it through the day.
webbyclare: Day 26 - Sweet Bones Bakery make the best muffins. I probably should have taken a photo BEFORE I started scoffing it down, but I just couldn't wait. Totally made a walk in the freezing cold worthwhile. #100happydays
webbyclare: Day 25 - One of my favourite quotes is from basketball coach John Wooden - "Do not let what you cannot do, interfere with what you can do". In my quest to do 30 mins of activity a day, I was planning a C25K jog this evening. Anyone in Canberra right now w
webbyclare: Day 24 - Starting over with an attempt to build a more regular blogging practice. A belated #100happydays shot!
webbyclare: Day 23 - Climbing a hill (however small) and taking in the view is one of the best ways I know for clearing the head #100happydays
webbyclare: Day 19 - Date night. #100happydays
webbyclare: Day 16 - I never would have imagined that 3 years into this parenting journey, I would still be obsessively thinking and talking about sleep! Last night the monkey only woke up once, and then slept until 6.50 (as opposed to her usual 5.15am start). This m
webbyclare: Day 13 - There are lots of frustrating parts of organising events but they're almost always outweighed by the awesome feeling when you get a 'yes' to a speaker invitation! Today @celawler confirmed an amazing, smart, passionate young woman to keynote the
webbyclare: Day 12 - Up since 3am with this stuff whirring around in my head. Feeling much better to have it out and down on paper. I am at my happiest at work when I'm thinking and working like this - armed with a whiteboard or a big sheet of paper! #100happydays #v
webbyclare: Day 10 - Hubby bought me a surprise present. Other couples celebrate EOFY too right? ;-) #100happydays #kindle
webbyclare: Day 9 - Getting things back on track and practicing some self care with an evening meditation session. Happiness isn't something that happens randomly or as a result of external things/people/events, rather it's something that you can cultivate and grow.
webbyclare: Day 8 - We had the most lovely morning. First at the Farmers Market - 'sticky bun', chocolate chai, playing hide and seek in the sunshine, listening to a great accordion player - and then to the playground for slides, swinging and fabulous imaginative pla
webbyclare: Day 4 - I have worked every night for the past 8 days straight so I'm feeling completely exhausted and pretty happy to be in bed with a book before 9pm! Will probably be asleep before I can finish a page! #100happydays
webbyclare: Having a toddler has led me to discover and pay attention to many things/places in Canberra that I was otherwise oblivious to! Today after a fun play with @jojoiale and Ash we found the lovely Centenary of Women's Suffrage Commemorative Fountain in the ga
webbyclare: Tea by candlelight. Can I please stay here for an extra week?