Mike Olbinski Photography: Rapid City II (Explored, thank you!!!)
Mike Olbinski Photography: Santa Rita Supercell
(Jessica): Lightning
(Jessica): IMG_3619.JPG
(Jessica): IMG_6563.JPG
(Jessica): Timestack Video of Sunset Over Navy Pier
(Jessica): Sunset Timestack
Enda Burke: British Airways G-STBH 23-4-2015
wolfpackWX: Sunset Lightning [Explore]
Elaine Schwetz Artworks: Lightning Pocket
StormLapse: Electric Storm
sweetgrass31: time and storms
Alan E Taylor: Five Bar Gate at Glen Etive
jnhPhoto: The Big One - EXPLORED 4.11.15
T Hi: To The Mountains We Go (Explored)
NUNZG: Take off
xnir: Rainbow, Fullrainbow, Doublerainbow
PrevailingConditions: Yosemite Falls on a Starry Night - Explored
Oilfighter: End of the World at Maroon Bells
wishiwsthr: Maroon Bells and the Milky Way
Robin-Wilson: Maroon Bells By Moonlight
Yogi.Arora: Maroon Bell Dreamin