we_are_young: sep8 Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is a fear of long words
we_are_young: sep7 It takes 11 apples to make a pint of Strongbow
we_are_young: sep6 House centipedes prefer crawling on women than men
we_are_young: sep5 Pigs can't look up at the sky
we_are_young: sep4 95% of people can guess someones sex just from smelling their breath
we_are_young: sep3 In Texas it's illegal to graffiti a cow
we_are_young: sep2 Snails can sleep for 3 years
we_are_young: September Limited edition poster - cows produce more milk when listening to moo-sic
we_are_young: September1 Words containing the letter K have been proven to make us laugh more than without
we_are_young: aug31 Thomas Edison the inventor of the light bulb was scared of the dark
we_are_young: aug31 Thomas Edison - inventor of the light bulb was scared of the dark
we_are_young: aug29 Reading about yawning will make you yawn
we_are_young: aug28 Picasso's first word was 'piz' a shortened word for pencil in spanish
we_are_young: aug27 Churchill's 'We will never surrunder' speech was read by an impersanator for radio broadcast
we_are_young: aug26 Salvidor Dali designed the chupa chups logo
we_are_young: aug25 Most robberies occur on tuesdays
we_are_young: aug24 4000 year old cheese was found in Egyptian tombs
we_are_young: aug23 Some whales commit suicide
we_are_young: aug22 The Lion unsed in the MGM logo killed its trainer the day after it was filmed
we_are_young: aug21 There's no word for yesterday in the Eskimo language
we_are_young: aug20 Shakespeare was dyslexic
we_are_young: aug19 Albert Einstein could never remember his telephone number
we_are_young: aug18 Golf is the only sport to be played on the moon
we_are_young: aug17 Mel Blanc who played the voice of Bugs Bunny was allergic to carrots
we_are_young: aug16 30 percent of images on the internet are pornographic
we_are_young: aug15 The Bible is the most shop lifted book
we_are_young: aug14 Most cars' horns beeb in the key of 'F'
we_are_young: aug13 Blue birds can't see the colour blue
we_are_young: aug12 The average person relocated eleven times
we_are_young: aug11 Men can read smaller print than woman, apparently.