Hockey.Lover: Last of 2024
Hockey.Lover: Montezuma Quail male
BillChenSF: Bell's Vireo
Steve Huckabone: Yellow-headed Blackbird
Steve Huckabone: Black-backed Woodpecker-male
mjrauz: White Oakcorn Pecker
James Watts, Jr: Red-breasted Sapsucker at Don Castro Regional Recreation Area, Hayward CA
Hockey.Lover: Harris's Sparrow
Steve Huckabone: Green-tailed Towhee
Hockey.Lover: Ridgway's Rails
James Webb Space Telescope: The Pillars of Creation (Webb MIRI Image)
James Webb Space Telescope: The Pillars of Creation (Webb NIRCam Image)
Hockey.Lover: Elegant Trogon in dappled light
Steve Huckabone: Bald Eagle
Steve Huckabone: Rufous-crowned Sparrow - are you looking at me?
Steve Huckabone: Phainopepla
Steve Huckabone: Common Yellowthroat
v on life: Transience (repost) | San Francisco, California
Steve Huckabone: Eurasian Wigeon
Jerry Ting: Long-billed Curlew
Doug Mosher (Oakland, CA): Western Bluebird
hyu767: Merlin (F)
v on life: Being | Torres del Paine National Park, Patagonia
Hockey.Lover: White Anna is tired of all the photographers