Wayne B. Neal Photography: Abandoned Two-Storey Homestead...
Wayne B. Neal Photography: Fog Lifting Over Abandoned Homestead...
Wayne B. Neal Photography: Ye Old Barn…Crack'n A Smile
Wayne B. Neal Photography: Cline River Gorge
Wayne B. Neal Photography: Abandoned Settler's Cabin
Wayne B. Neal Photography: Homestead In The Badlands...
Wayne B. Neal Photography: Badlands' Sunrise
Wayne B. Neal Photography: School's Out...
Wayne B. Neal Photography: Alberta Prairie Sunrise
Wayne B. Neal Photography: Prairie Granaries - Alberta
Wayne B. Neal Photography: Mt Grinnell, Glacier N.P.-Montana
Wayne B. Neal Photography: New Year's Sunrise - Banff, AB
Wayne B. Neal Photography: Red Barn Fading...
Wayne B. Neal Photography: Seeking a Way Through...
Wayne B. Neal Photography: Upper Swiftcurrent Falls...
Wayne B. Neal Photography: Prairie Sunrise In Fog
Wayne B. Neal Photography: Nature's Pinwheel
Wayne B. Neal Photography: Moraine Lake Sunrise
Wayne B. Neal Photography: Nothing But Downhill From Here On...
Wayne B. Neal Photography: Pyramid Mountain Sunrise
Wayne B. Neal Photography: Dawn's Light On Aspens In Abstract
Wayne B. Neal Photography: Canola Splendour
Wayne B. Neal Photography: A Prairie Reflection...
Wayne B. Neal Photography: Here's Look'n At You " Kits "
Wayne B. Neal Photography: Standing Strong...Still
Wayne B. Neal Photography: Wedge Pond - Kananaskis, Alberta
Wayne B. Neal Photography: A Transportation Workhorse Back In The Day!
Wayne B. Neal Photography: The Calm Before The Storm...
Wayne B. Neal Photography: Mirror Reflection - Maskinonge Lake