p.schmal: bunte Tulpe
Hameediii: Turn Back Time
Alistair Hamilton: 20110319-DSCF1463
PPPHOTO1: luca learning to play the cello
Street Vision L.A.: Too tough to tame
Garrett Meyers: Jason almost in mexico
Wesley Almeida: "Decisões / Escolhas"
DavidCampbell_: freedom
tallyton: Rita Kessler
The Library of Congress: Answering the nation's need for womanpower, Mrs. Virginia Davis made arrangement for the care of her two children during the day and joined her husband at work in the Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas. Both are employed under Civil Service in the Asse
The Library of Congress: [Portrait of Charlie Parker, Tommy Potter, Miles Davis, Duke Jordan, and Max Roach, Three Deuces, New York, N.Y., ca. Aug. 1947] (LOC)
The Library of Congress: [Portrait of Frank Sinatra, Liederkrantz Hall, New York, N.Y., ca. 1947] (LOC)
The Library of Congress: [Portrait of Charlie Parker, Tommy Potter, and Max Roach, Three Deuces, New York, N.Y., ca. Aug. 1947] (LOC)
bdgomes: And don't you wanna be Free?
ruitsuto123: Janelas Brancas
helvio1979: Mulher Invisivel
.unsuono.: Claudio
tallyton: Rafaela Barreto