wbaiv: Jaguar "E type" drop top, Oakland hills IMG_0011
wbaiv: Sharp looking Tesla Model 3 IMG_0132
wbaiv: Mitsubishi innovative Electric Vehicle - MiEV IMG_3839
wbaiv: Tesla Model S, San Mateo Bridge DSC_0054 (1)
wbaiv: Tesla Model S, San Mateo Bridge DSC_0062
wbaiv: Citroen DS-21 DSC_0032
wbaiv: Citroen DS-21 DSC_0036
wbaiv: Citroen DS-21 DSC_0040
wbaiv: Citroen DS-21 DSC_0042
wbaiv: Citroen DS-21 DSC_0039
wbaiv: Citroen DS-21 port profile DSC_0029
wbaiv: Volkswagen Karman Ghia convertible IMG_4323
wbaiv: Ford Model A Roadster 19th Avenue at Broadway, Oakland IMG_4382
wbaiv: Ford Model A Roadster on Broadway, Oakland IMG_4383
wbaiv: This sporty Mustang owner replaced all the horses with Tinkerbelles... DSC_0016
wbaiv: Alfa Romeo Giulia passenger door, cockpit viewIMG_4205
wbaiv: Alfa Romeo Giulia driver's side profile (port ie left) So pretty! IMG_4209
wbaiv: Alfa Romeo Giulia from the front IMG_4211
wbaiv: Alfa Romeo Giulia starboard / passenger side profile sports coupe IMG_4212
wbaiv: Dodge Viper SRT IMG_4224
wbaiv: Dodge Viper SRT IMG_4222 (2)
wbaiv: Panorama view of Playa pedal-car dragon boat IMG_4192
wbaiv: Alfa Romeo boat-tail spyder from front DSC_0376
wbaiv: Alfa Romeo boat-tail spyder from above hood IMG_4132
wbaiv: Alfa Romeo boat-tail spyder, Carrozzieri Pininfarina. Port side profile left DSC_0382 (1)
wbaiv: driver's instruments steering wheel lock DSC_0387
wbaiv: Alfa Romeo boat-tail spyder starboard side profile right DSC_0366
wbaiv: Alfa Romeo boat-tail spyder from dead aft DSC_0364 (2)
wbaiv: Alfa Romeo boat-tail spyder above trunk lid starboard MG_4155 (3)
wbaiv: Alfa Romeo boat-tail spyder above trunk lid port IMG_4143