wbaiv: Boeing_727_FedEx_DSC_0700
wbaiv: Boeing_727_FedEx_tail_DSC_0701
wbaiv: Boeing 727 FedEx starboard, aft, fuselage, from engines to top-of-fin tail fairing
wbaiv: Boeing 727 FedEx starboard, aft, fuselage, from engines to both main landing gear, trailing edge of wing.
wbaiv: Boeing 727 FedEx starboard wing, from underneath
wbaiv: 727_tail_DSC_0885
wbaiv: 727_engines_DSC_0884
wbaiv: 727_rear_under_DSC_0883
wbaiv: 727_Stbd_engine_DSC_0952
wbaiv: USAF Jolly Green Giant, FedEx 727 etc. DSC_0967
wbaiv: Jean_Republic_A10A_warthog_port_wing_engine_DSC_0780
wbaiv: Republic_A10A_warthog_engines_port_wing_DSC_0781
wbaiv: Republic_A10A_warthog_nose_DSC_0779
wbaiv: Republic_A10A_warthog_port_engine_DSC_0782
wbaiv: Republic_A10A_warthog_cockpit_DSC_0783
wbaiv: Republic_A10A_warthog_DSC_0785
wbaiv: Republic_A10A_warthog_GAAU_8_30mm_cannon_DSC_0786
wbaiv: Republic_A10A_warthog_DSC_0788
wbaiv: Republic_A10A_warthog_DSC_0787
wbaiv: Jean (right), slightly distorted Republic A10A Warthog port nose, wing, engines, tail. DSC_0780 Panorama
wbaiv: Weber ejection seat, in F106 procedures trainer DSC_0666
wbaiv: F106 procedures trainer. Stanley rails, Weber "zero-zero" seat DSC_0654
wbaiv: F-106 procedures trainer, Weber seat, DSC_0651
wbaiv: F-106 procedures trainer, Weber seat DSC_0652
wbaiv: F106_procedures_trainer_DSC_0664
wbaiv: F106 procedures trainer, Weber ejection seat (shape at least) DSC_0653
wbaiv: F106 procedures trainer DSC_0665
wbaiv: F106 procedures trainer instruments DSC_0659
wbaiv: F106 procedures trainer DSC_0658
wbaiv: F106 procedures trainer DSC_0657