wbaiv: Big smiles! Ted with the water and fog toy
wbaiv: T. Brattstrom adjusts the water forming a bell over the fog to 'burp' some fog out...
wbaiv: Plop! The water covering the fog collapses.
wbaiv: Meanwhile, at another part of the water and balls play area:
wbaiv: Meanwhile, at another part of the water and balls play area:
wbaiv: Here's a red ball on top of a blue ball at the top of the vortex
wbaiv: Ted pushing down on one red ball, and that pushing down on a second, blue ball....
wbaiv: Ball-room ball being sucked into a vortex... it will pop out the hole at the bottom!
wbaiv: Clock, inverters, OR and AND gates, wires to the lamps
wbaiv: The play room for little kids: "Please Keep Your Feet Below This Line"!
wbaiv: A bunch of kids hauling the rope to raise the two bowling balls...
wbaiv: Four kids playing with soap bubbles
wbaiv: Child-operated strobeoscope and vibrating strings!
wbaiv: Child operated strobeoscope, reveals vibrating strings!
wbaiv: P-40 Kittyhawk powered by child turning the crank on the generator
wbaiv: Child turning the crank, watching the display for power produced (LED) and meter
wbaiv: Ah, big washers are excellent on these exponential funnels...