wbaiv: Revell Airco DH-2 fighter parts painted, no assembly yet
wbaiv: Revell Airco DH-2 fighter parts painted, tops of wings, bottom of horizontal stabilizer
wbaiv: Revell 1/72 DH-2, partially assembled, from aft
wbaiv: Revell 1/72 DH-2, partially assembled, underside from aft quarter
wbaiv: Revell 1/72 DH-2 in progress
wbaiv: There are small struts between the fuselage and upper wing
wbaiv: Looking straight down on top and bottom below that
wbaiv: As the wings and A frames were drying
wbaiv: View from the front...
wbaiv: Just to be sure its all square...
wbaiv: DH-2 wings, landing gear and A frames
wbaiv: Oblique view of A frame and wings
wbaiv: A frames being glued to wings
wbaiv: DH2 upper A frame taped flat, traps horizontal stabilizer
wbaiv: Eastern Express / Frog 1/72 Supermarine S6B racer
wbaiv: Top and bottom lined up
wbaiv: All these little strips of tape are lined up over the wing to wing struts
wbaiv: Using wide pieces of tape holds things square