wbaiv: Ian and me and the water pump
wbaiv: Abbotts At Waymans
wbaiv: Ian with L1011
wbaiv: Ian tosses the L1011 and it glides neatly
wbaiv: Ian's launch & follow through...
wbaiv: Ian prepares to launch Big Blue
wbaiv: Ian, me, the air-cleaner & a Sapporo!
wbaiv: Ian underwater
wbaiv: At the Tijuana VW dealership
wbaiv: At the parts counter, Tijuana VW dealership
wbaiv: Volkswagen Beetle: Ian looking good next to a Pueblo Beetle in Tijuana
wbaiv: Ian helping me get the engine installed
wbaiv: Ian, preparing to install engine + transmission
wbaiv: Ian, Alan, Ken and me return from AI-2002, Houston
wbaiv: Ian T33
wbaiv: Central Kitsap High School and the 3 Abbott boys... 101-0114_IMG
wbaiv: After some beer and salad, we're all looking perkier!
wbaiv: Dad and Ian just before the Copper River Salmon arrived...
wbaiv: Ian and our Dad at the Boeing 247
wbaiv: Ian and a Taube... or replica
wbaiv: 102-0205_IMG
wbaiv: Boeing 737-300, Bill 3, Ian, Bill 4, reflected in 737-300 #1 fuselage
wbaiv: Boeing 737-300, 102-0208_IMG
wbaiv: Boeing 737-300, 102-0209_IMG
wbaiv: Boeing 737-300, Bill 3, Ian, Bill 4, reflected in 737-300 #1 fuselage
wbaiv: Boeing 737-300, Bill 3, Ian, Bill 4, reflected in 737-300 #1 fuselage
wbaiv: An anonymous fellow takes an airplane picture
wbaiv: Boeing 737-300, Bill 3, Ian, Bill 4, reflected in 737-300 #1
wbaiv: Ian and Dad at Tacoma Glass Museum Workshop
wbaiv: Ian riding up into the stacks