wbaiv: Here's the clearest photo showing the cockpit and finished plane.
wbaiv: Here's another fairly good photo of the Minicraft Stratocruiser...
wbaiv: Stratocruiser model cockpit, tail of DC3....
wbaiv: Nose of Minicraft Boeing 377 Stratocruiser, with cockpit barely visible
wbaiv: My Minicraft Stratocruiser, again
wbaiv: My Minicraft Boeing 377 Stratocruiser, Pan Am markings
wbaiv: Completing the final bits in my hotel room
wbaiv: First pass at buffing, not done yet.
wbaiv: Metalizer drying, before rubbout that makes it shiny
wbaiv: Nacelles look good, fuselage seams still needed work
wbaiv: Metalizer drying, before the rubbout that makes it shiny
wbaiv: Metalizer drying, before rubbout that makes it shihy
wbaiv: Wings glued-on, sanding and filling look good, Metalizer next!
wbaiv: Looks ready on the topside too
wbaiv: 101-0171_IMG
wbaiv: 101-0170_IMG
wbaiv: Scratch-built cockpit for Minicraft 1/144 B377, with kit windscreen.
wbaiv: Minicraft Boeing 377 Stratocruiser cockpit, wheel well dwg
wbaiv: Minicraft 1/144 Boeing 377 Stratocruiser wing
wbaiv: Minicraft 1/144 Boeing 377 Stratocruiser wing
wbaiv: Minicraft 1/144 Boeing 377 Stratocruiser wing
wbaiv: Minicraft 1/144 Boeing 377 Stratocruiser wings
wbaiv: Minicraft 1/144 Boeing 377 Stratocruiser fuselage, fin and rudder.
wbaiv: Green Stuff slurry is my favorite filler, Other than sheet or strip styrene.