wbaiv: Daniel at Moss Beach low, low, tide IMG_0346
wbaiv: ex-Tomcat with 3 balls...
wbaiv: Ted! 2007
wbaiv: Ken, Ian and Alan, my trusty companions
wbaiv: Rick and Ian
wbaiv: A happy boy at the airport
wbaiv: Rick enjoys his role as driver/instigator
wbaiv: Better picture of Ben and Ken
wbaiv: Ken and Ben and the big Rolls... DFW DSC_0750
wbaiv: Mr. Stednitz photographs an A319
wbaiv: Paddington sleeps on the edge of the bed...
wbaiv: Drilling the prop shaft hole for 1/144 Twin Otter
wbaiv: Manning the registration table and working on a 1/144 Twin Otter...
wbaiv: Boeing 717 / MD95, Midwest, First Officer Ken Miller...
wbaiv: BAe Jetstream 31 N608JX? Ken Miller in the wild...
wbaiv: Abby, wild life spotting
wbaiv: Running at Golden Gate Park
wbaiv: La Familia Gallagher, afloat in Golden Gate Park
wbaiv: Model builders at Airliners International 2004
wbaiv: Room 737
wbaiv: Airline Modeller's Digest members at the model contest room
wbaiv: Ken at Mojave Airport
wbaiv: McDonell Douglas F-4C/D F4 Phantom II & Alan at the Mojave Airport
wbaiv: Los tres padres: Ken, Bill, Alan, at the F4 in front of BAe at Mojave Airport
wbaiv: Ian and Dad at Tacoma Glass Museum Workshop
wbaiv: Dad and Ian just before the Copper River Salmon arrived...
wbaiv: Me, looking a bit wind-blown
wbaiv: After some beer and salad, we're all looking perkier!
wbaiv: Central Kitsap High School and the 3 Abbott boys... 101-0114_IMG
wbaiv: Airline Modeler's Digest members, some in group T shirts