wbaiv: Fuselage spine shaped, fixing fin & rudder next
wbaiv: Wheel well detail added to Matchbox Hawker Hurricane IIc model...
wbaiv: IMG_5968
wbaiv: Matchbox Hurricane cockpit fairing
wbaiv: IMG_5960
wbaiv: IMG_5959
wbaiv: IMG_5958
wbaiv: IMG_5957
wbaiv: IMG_5956
wbaiv: Major assembly and a second coat of paint...
wbaiv: More underside details added, good paint coverage
wbaiv: Matchbox Hawker Hurricane Mk IIc, a post-war air racer
wbaiv: Major assembly complete, cockpit looks good!
wbaiv: Radiator faces, wheel fairing bits added
wbaiv: Matchbox 1/72 Hurricane from underneath, detail being added
wbaiv: Matchbox 1/72 Hurricane bits and improvements
wbaiv: More detail bits for the Matchbox Hurricane...
wbaiv: Matchbox 1/72 Hawker Hurricane IIc scratchbuilt cockpit, alt. view
wbaiv: Matchbox (!) Hawker Hurricane IIc, 1/72, scratchbuilt cockpit.