Lee-Ann Conway: IMG_20170605_142633_691
*Valentina.: Bear Hug
Lee-Ann Conway: DSC_3476
Lee-Ann Conway: DSC_4067
Andrés Ceballos V.: Zafiro Coroniazul / Violet-crowned Woodnymph
rh89: Walking Distance
divingoff: landscape in kuwait-13
OrionSM Photography: Russian Steppe Eagle
nautieza: Houtbay
marccrowther: Egyptian Goose
elle2028: Hmmm, where did that fly go?
elle2028: Young Fox
Jeff Ke: 無尾鳳蝶
Jeff Ke: 閃亮時光5
Jeff Ke: IMGP0467
rh89: Electric City
OrionSM Photography: Mallard Lake Jetty
dhanilobacelar: Quando alguém encontra seu caminho precisa ter coragem suficiente para dar passos errados. As decepções, as derrotas, o desânimo são ferramentas que Deus utiliza para mostrar a estrada. Boa noite
jackez2010: Mésange_DSC2033_DxO-1
nautieza: Winter sunrise
nautieza: Looking up to Rhino Horn Peak from Ambleside Cottage
GORIGONZALEZ: Araña Saltarina y su presa. Jumping Spider and prey
marccrowther: Crossing The Road
marccrowther: Moyo's
nautieza: Sunrise
jackez2010: Autre version_DSC9999_DxOb (1)
beckda: Barley & poppy in the first summer light
silviasoulet: Imagen 8970-001
rh89: Touch the Sky