sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation: Raymond Carver, ManCat, so much cooler than me
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation: Raymond Carver, ManCat, so much cooler than me
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation: Raymond Carver, ManCat, so much cooler than me
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation: Raymond surveys the neighborhood below
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation: Raymond, curious and NOT annoyed by the camera, for a change
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation: Raymond Carver, ferocious ManCat, in monochrome
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation: the yawn like a snake unhinging its jaws
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation: Raymond ManCat, debonair, the only time he wore his new red collar
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation: Raymond Greeneyes Carver
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation: Blissful Raymond, on Mark's lap
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation: "What is that thing you're pointing at my face?"
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation: Raymond's favorite view
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation: Hello, there. I am Raymondo
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation: Hello, there. I am Raymondo
sheryl stephen / WaveOfModulation: gorgeous, and he knows it