james.cdevlin: Dogwood Week 09 - Artistic: Shadows
Felipe Valduga: Dogwood 52 - week7 - faceless
Bobby (shoot) MacRae: Dogwood52week3-1
CrystalP1031: The End
The Library of Congress: Roosevelt [Theodore Roosevelt] at Oyster Bay, 5/27/16 (LOC)
MontImageMedia - In Memoriam: International Space Station Silhouette Crossing the Moon. Taken with a Meade 8" LX10 Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope & I.S.S. Tracker Software.
THoog: My 3D rig
The Library of Congress: Sir Clements Markham (LOC)
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: NASA Sees Fiery Looping Rain on the Sun [hd video]
Noctcaelador: Our Milky Way Galaxy's Central Bulge
Lisa Bettany {Mostly Lisa}: San Francisco Rainbow over the Bay Bridge
josefrancisco.salgado: VLT and SCP from VST
starg82343: We HAVE Liftoff!
Damon Tighe: Old Baldy Lighthouse in fog
Russ Beinder: 3D Camera
pinboke_planet: PENTAX Stereo Adapter and LUMIX FZ-7 IMG_0453
johnmjoy: Woodtick Recreation Area #8 (Anaglyph)
kiwi1967: 12 3D
katyfernleigh: St Ives Meadow
Avismand: AMG_20700B
arena_5: 98514ft
Wolfgang Wiggers: Carrying provisions (anaglyph)
Ian5281: DSC07702_A
krapzapper: Playing with the Queen of Hearts
starg82343: Neverwinter nights - Conversion
Avismand: Caffeine
DanD3Dman: Sphinx-A-DJ*