MikeJDavis: A Christmas Carol
MikeJDavis: The first photograph?
MikeJDavis: Adoration 2
MikeJDavis: Adoration
MikeJDavis: The Salford Mercy Bus
MikeJDavis: Up Knowl Hill again...
MikeJDavis: World Day of Prayer Norden
MikeJDavis: Photo Opportunity
MikeJDavis: James & May with Bishop John Arnold
MikeJDavis: Lord David Alton with James Mulgrew
MikeJDavis: Fr Frankie Mulgrew reads the Gospel
MikeJDavis: Don Maclean read the Psalm
MikeJDavis: Refreshments after carols
MikeJDavis: We wish you a merry Christmas!
MikeJDavis: Donations to the Hospice
MikeJDavis: His Grace Bishop Angaelos OBE
MikeJDavis: Kingdom Revelator - David Palmer presents
MikeJDavis: After Sunday Mass Harvesters 2015
MikeJDavis: Tom and Gerard share their African experiences
MikeJDavis: Fr David Oakley - Harvesters 2015
MikeJDavis: Session
MikeJDavis: Music included
MikeJDavis: makes perfect
MikeJDavis: Evening Entertainment
MikeJDavis: After a long Day
MikeJDavis: Practise
MikeJDavis: Workshop: David Beresford
MikeJDavis: Workshop: Tim Stevens
MikeJDavis: Workshop: Gerry Markland