slowitdown: Sunset in Makena
slowitdown: upload
slowitdown: upload
slowitdown: upload
slowitdown: Lahaina Pali Trail - Sunrise
slowitdown: Hoapili Trail
slowitdown: Pa'ako Beach
slowitdown: First dusting of snow on Vancouver mountains.
slowitdown: milk monsters
slowitdown: Vortex
slowitdown: Vortex
slowitdown: crossover
slowitdown: Coffee roaster at my favorite local cafe. #iseefaces
slowitdown: Fire truck... Made out of egg cartons
slowitdown: Space flowers...
slowitdown: Coat check at the fabulous bird bar...
slowitdown: Crafty columns
slowitdown: Abstract lines
slowitdown: Your attitude is like a box of crayons that color your world. Constantly color your picture gray, and your picture will always be bleak. Try adding some bright colors to the picture by including humor, and your picture begins to lighten up. - Allen Klein
slowitdown: Why do two colors, put one next to the other, sing? Can one really explain this? no. Just as one can never learn how to paint. - Pablo Picasso
slowitdown: The Portland Farmers market at PSU on Saturdays is the most amazing market I have ever seen. You could easily buy a week's supply of food here without realizing it.
slowitdown: late city lights
slowitdown: #iseefaces
slowitdown: Buttons...
slowitdown: Checklist for beach campfire. #simplepleasures
slowitdown: This thing is badass. Prince himself would be hard pressed to thrown more purple into a set of wheels.
slowitdown: Urban decay. Reminds me of that #reddragon symbol.
slowitdown: Sweet, sweet wall in Portland.
slowitdown: Wicked tag found on Main St. Talented people just doing their thing in my neighborhood...