Bob Misu: Tres Hermanos
Bob Misu: Bristol Diner
Bob Misu: Kiosk
Bob Misu: You are here.
Bob Misu: Trail head lot
Bob Misu: Nothin' to see here!
Bob Misu: Off we go!
Bob Misu: 2.3 Miles
Bob Misu: Another break
Bob Misu: Whaaaat?
Bob Misu: P6223013
Bob Misu: P6223017
Bob Misu: Cody
Bob Misu: How can we make wilderness better?
Bob Misu: Slurp!
Bob Misu: Quick break on trail up
Bob Misu: James
Bob Misu: Frisbee on Mizpah Spring lawn
Bob Misu: Mizpah Hut
Bob Misu: Readying for the march
Bob Misu: Hunchback Cody
Bob Misu: Moose Track
Bob Misu: Did you hear a moose?
Bob Misu: Our crew (croo?)
Bob Misu: Myeh.
Bob Misu: The View
Bob Misu: Ponchos in the wind