Bob Misu: Into the wilderness
Bob Misu: Smith Pond
Bob Misu: Overlay
Bob Misu: Fresh Flakes
Bob Misu: Enjoy.
Bob Misu: Drizzle molasses and sprinkle on pie spice
Bob Misu: Throw it all together
Bob Misu: Saute potatoes and carrots
Bob Misu: Carrots rings
Bob Misu: Saute onions, peppers and garlic
Bob Misu: Browning the pork
Bob Misu: Sequins
Bob Misu: What’s in my beer?
Bob Misu: What’s in my beer?
Bob Misu: hummer 1
Bob Misu: Day lilies
Bob Misu: Day lilies
Bob Misu: Day lilies
Bob Misu: The New Old Man
Bob Misu: Old Man Viewing Stantion
Bob Misu: FullSizeRender
Bob Misu: FullSizeRender
Bob Misu: FullSizeRender
Bob Misu: Discovered Slo-mo feature on my iPhone
Bob Misu: Snow squalls at Ragged
Bob Misu: Ragged Deck People
Bob Misu: Gettin the grill ready
Bob Misu: Danbury Bog