Philosopher Queen: Angel hair pasta pomodoro
Philosopher Queen: North Boulevard
ChasWG: Sir Chuck the Orange
sunnybrook100: 05 New Additions
helena_boggs: my big oak tree sm
helena_boggs: oak tree in my backyard
Philosopher Queen: Visiting Mom
Philosopher Queen: A fresh summer salad
Philosopher Queen: Cats Cuddling
jefferso: #Montreal #Montrealjazzfestival
Philosopher Queen: A big fluffy catloaf!
Philosopher Queen: Pearl's last picture (Pearl Cat, 2001?-2017)
Philosopher Queen: Armani loves to be brushed!
Philosopher Queen: All tucked in
marinaomi: Gary the Cat Whisperer
Philosopher Queen: Pearl Curled Up
tifotter: patient
helencrochet1: Finished Wooleater and found on Explore!! Feb 14, 2012 #209
El Lemus: Los Angeles, Walt Disney Concert hall- Frank Ghery
Philosopher Queen: Sneaky Cat
Philosopher Queen: Pearl found another container
Philosopher Queen: Guess who has come to live with me?
Philosopher Queen: Salmon Dinner
Philosopher Queen: Kitties in a row
Greeg Borges: #365escritoriosmoveis #day72 Hoje bati meu recorde de Evernote! 7 "devices" simultaneamente! A saber: (1) Nokia Lumia 1320 com lista de tarefas, (2) transferindo notas e áudio tomados em aula da caneta Livescribe, (3) Galaxy S4 fotografando as notas da (4
The Daring Librarian: LiveScribe PenCast - 19