omtelsimon: IMG_2266 Eucharitid wasp.
gurungbijaya88: "Frozen"
max_livingloud: Serenity
omtelsimon: IMG_1469 Huntman spider.
poppinwei83: 12096057_984720181585959_5821022537836979931_n
omtelsimon: IMG_0974 Ant mimicking jumping spider, HBBBT!
omtelsimon: IMG_0835 Ant mimicking jumping spider.
FotographyKS!: Mute Swan Bird @ Japenese Park
FotographyKS!: Painted Stork flying against the beautiful setting Sun!
Timo Halonen: Reflection
Liat Aharoni: In the shadows dark things grow
R ERTUG: Frosty bonnet /Mycena adscendens - Cap diameter approx 3mm
宥育爸: Zhongshan Dist., Keelung City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
宥育爸: Shimen Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
宥育爸: Zuozhen Dist., Tainan City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Howard Le: Mushroom
克魯斯忠: 花蓮 晨曦 火燒雲
克魯斯忠: 花蓮 花蓮溪出海口
克魯斯忠: 花蓮 富里鄉 六十石山
散漫生活: IMG_2509
散漫生活: IMG_2363
散漫生活: A_IMG_5968
Henny Brouwers: Nederland - Gelderland - Lunteren
garrywright1963: IMG_6227-Jack-snipe
Mikkelmusiker: Landmannalauga
omtelsimon: IMG_0291 Weaver ants!
omtelsimon: IMG_9584 Jumping spider.
Henny Brouwers: Nederland - Zuid-Holland - Rotterdam - Diergaarde Blijdorp
Dave Beaudette: Burroweed, Isocoma tenuisecta