wantmoore: This is what I get to lug around for the next eight days until my follow-up appointment.
wantmoore: A monumental moment. Welcome home #Deere family. #RoomForMoore
wantmoore: Ladies and gentlemen - we have a completed pole barn. #finally
wantmoore: Pole barn is getting a very important inspection today.
wantmoore: While it IS unseasonably warm, I think this weather station has lost its mind.
wantmoore: It's time. #allstarspecial
wantmoore: Game night with the Miller clan.
wantmoore: Mmm. #SouthernStyle
wantmoore: Stolen laptop was returned to me this morning.
wantmoore: Crew completed the framing today. One step closer!
wantmoore: First truss is going up!
wantmoore: Progress being made on the barn!
wantmoore: Construction has begun!
wantmoore: Hopefully by this time next week this pile of materials will have transformed into a pole barn!
wantmoore: This pup knows how to party. Happy 11th birthday Java!