Alfred Life: Practice
Alfred Life: All are in the same world of Minecraft
Alfred Life: Play Rainbow Loom
Alfred Life: Yeah! Our breakfast for tomorrow
Alfred Life: Take a bath
Alfred Life: Play mobile game
Alfred Life: Hotpot night at home
Alfred Life: Hotpot night at home
Alfred Life: Hotpot night at home
Alfred Life: 上海新天地
Alfred Life: 洗完澡也不忘負重訓練,他說這樣球可以踢的比較好
Alfred Life: 多多很愛這隻小熊貓
Alfred Life: 四川廣漢三星堆博物館
Alfred Life: 考究喝法的印尼曼特寧
Alfred Life: 四川成都大熊貓繁育研究基地
Alfred Life: 多多"認養"了一隻小熊貓
Alfred Life: 這裡,在山上,一到晚上就雷電交加
Alfred Life: 這週和我在一起的一位客戶公司的技術員跟我說他老婆在日惹開一間麵包店,15位員工,一天賣1000個麵包,一個麵包的淨利潤是50%。今天看經理人雜誌,裡面也提到,台灣飲食業的市場是3千億台幣,哇哇哇!interesting。
Alfred Life: Good Morning Cianjur
David's photo: 婚紗照-搶鮮版
wenming0521: _DSC2429
water.drop: When you surrender to what is and so become fully present, the past ceases to have any power. You do not need it anymore. Presence is the key. Now is the key. Eckhart Tolle
ocf035: DSC02470
water.drop: “All the things that truly matter — beauty, love, creativity, joy, inner peace — arise from beyond the mind.” Eckhart Tolle
sophialin: 20130309-_DSC9319
張麗芬 bibi.barbie: 20130325DSC_1132