Wanderin' Weeta:
kilted redcoat
Wanderin' Weeta:
dewatering crew sept 1963
Wanderin' Weeta:
dewatering sept 1963 chilliwack 12
Wanderin' Weeta:
dewatering sept 1963 chilliwack 11
Wanderin' Weeta:
dewatering crew sept 1963 chilliwack 10
Wanderin' Weeta:
Sept 1963 Chilliwack
Wanderin' Weeta:
dewatering sept 1963 chilliwack 08
Wanderin' Weeta:
Shorty and his hoe Sept 1963 Chilliwack
Wanderin' Weeta:
dewatering crew and backhoe sept 1963 chilliwack 06
Wanderin' Weeta:
the hoe sept 1963 chilliwack 05
Wanderin' Weeta:
shadows sept 1963 chilliwack 04
Wanderin' Weeta:
holding up the CPR sept 1963 chilliwack 03
Wanderin' Weeta:
shoring the ditch sept 1963 chilliwack 02
Wanderin' Weeta:
dewatering sept 1963 chilliwack 01
Wanderin' Weeta:
fred 05
Wanderin' Weeta:
Wanderin' Weeta:
Ontario, 1945
Wanderin' Weeta:
donna dene
Wanderin' Weeta:
first grade
Wanderin' Weeta:
shop class
Wanderin' Weeta:
the "Lizzie"
Wanderin' Weeta:
kids on car
Wanderin' Weeta:
donna dene
Wanderin' Weeta:
Wanderin' Weeta:
Mom and Bob and donkey
Wanderin' Weeta:
grandpa anderson 1
Wanderin' Weeta:
nana 2
Wanderin' Weeta:
mark winter
Wanderin' Weeta:
three with stroller 1
Wanderin' Weeta:
three with stroller 2