Wanderin' Weeta:
Seagull poop, on barnacles
Wanderin' Weeta:
Dinner leftovers
Wanderin' Weeta:
Misty headland
Wanderin' Weeta:
Laurie on WR rocks
Wanderin' Weeta:
Wanderin' Weeta:
Barnacle tracks
Wanderin' Weeta:
Blue crow
Wanderin' Weeta:
Wanderin' Weeta:
Glued on
Wanderin' Weeta:
Melibe leonina
Wanderin' Weeta:
Pink starfish
Wanderin' Weeta:
Pink starfish in eelgrass
Wanderin' Weeta:
White Rock beach and pier
Wanderin' Weeta:
Gary with finished tower
Wanderin' Weeta:
Wanderin' Weeta:
Seagull wing underside
Wanderin' Weeta:
Seagull bill showing red spot
Wanderin' Weeta:
Yellow jelly fungus
Wanderin' Weeta:
Yellow jelly fungus
Wanderin' Weeta:
Yellow jelly fungus
Wanderin' Weeta:
Tiny shelf fungus
Wanderin' Weeta:
Root section
Wanderin' Weeta:
Miniature snails and barnacles
Wanderin' Weeta:
Piles of tubes
Wanderin' Weeta:
Wet tube filled with sand
Wanderin' Weeta:
Long tube with sand-1
Wanderin' Weeta:
Eelgras with roots
Wanderin' Weeta:
Rushing water
Wanderin' Weeta:
Wanderin' Weeta: