jim lehmann: Thayer's Gull
young-at-art.: Early Morning Badger
young-at-art.: My New Toy.
SteveMlodinow: Upland Sandpiper - Dawes County NE - June 2020
Leslie (LESU): Rooty and Katarina
Leslie (LESU): Katarina
Leslie (LESU): White Ibis
Leslie (LESU): Common Raven
Leslie (LESU): Northern Pygmy-Owl
Jerry Ting: Band-tailed Pigeon
1krispy1: Summer Tanager (m)
Leslie (LESU): Tennessee Warbler
1krispy1: Reddish Egret
1krispy1: Crested Caracara
1krispy1: Northern Cardinal
SteveMlodinow: Northern Harrier - Weld County CO - January 2021
SteveMlodinow: White-crowned Sparrow - Las Animas County CO - October 2020
Peter Burke: Winter Wren
Peter Burke: Sandhill Crane
Peter Burke: Golden-winged Warbler
Peter Burke: Shorebirding in Boulder
SteveMlodinow: Mixed Flock - Colliers Pond, Grand Cayman Island - April 2019
SteveMlodinow: Pugnacity
SteveMlodinow: Hunting Harrier
koen_jacobs: In the woods
Peter Burke: Vermilion Flycatcher
SteveMlodinow: Egrets - Weld County CO - September 2018
1krispy1: Plain Chachalaca