walneywave: Gracie standing beneath a big tree
walneywave: Gracie enjoying the snow
walneywave: Gracie looking around the woods
walneywave: Gracie in the snow
walneywave: Gracie in profile
walneywave: Gracie in the snowy woods
walneywave: Gracie paw-deep in snow
walneywave: Gracie chewing on a tree branch
walneywave: Gracie on guard
walneywave: Gracie on the snowy trail
walneywave: Gracie paying full attention
walneywave: Gracie chewing on a piece of wood
walneywave: Gracie making a funny face
walneywave: Gracie on the prowl
walneywave: Gracie in sun and shade
walneywave: Gracie beside the creek
walneywave: Gracie playing in front of the house
walneywave: Gracie standing on old leaves
walneywave: Gracie standing in the snow
walneywave: Gracie creekside
walneywave: Gracie near the creek
walneywave: Gracie with a ball in the snow
walneywave: Gracie sitting in a snowbank
walneywave: Gracie looking down the trail
walneywave: Gracie looking up
walneywave: Gracie looking back
walneywave: Gracie among the trees
walneywave: Gracie on a slippery slope
walneywave: Gracie in the snowy woods
walneywave: Gracie up close